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Chris Kelly
Sep 7, 2020
High Vs Low Days
Think high versus low. High days consists of grinding through reps, going to failure and peeling yourself off the floor.

Chris Kelly
Jul 28, 2020
Can you do this? If not, no wonder your hip and back hurt.
Lifting of the big toe is one of the key actions that are necessary to pull the hip thru each step and supinate or roll the foot out.

Chris Kelly
Jul 27, 2020
Too much of a good thing?
I love me some hip shift, but we can take things too far.

Chris Kelly
Jul 6, 2020
Squat Core Circuit
Stuck in your squat mobility? Try this circuit before your warm up!

Chris Kelly
Jun 17, 2020
The Importance of Foot Mobility
In yet another "I can't believe I missed that" light bulb moment, learning about forefoot versus rear foot opposition has opened my eyes to

Chris Kelly
Jun 2, 2020
Imbalances can begin in your feet!
Does one side feel heavier than the other when you run or walk?

Chris Kelly
May 26, 2020
Health is achieved in the long term..
Long term health and fitness are the result of little things done consistently over time. I have always loved to lift heavy, jump, sprint a

Chris Kelly
May 18, 2020
Controlled Articular Rotations for Acute Injury
When dealing with acute injury and resulting inflammation, it is important to utilize a progressive set of tools which begin to immediately

Chris Kelly
May 14, 2020
Flexibility is NOT the foundation of mobility.
Flexibility=Passive ROM or how far we can stretch Mobility= Active ROM that we can use So by this logic, it would seem that stretching a

Chris Kelly
May 5, 2020
Experimenting with Squat Prep
Hitting a deeper squat is all about sacral counter nutation and subsequent hip flexion.

Chris Kelly
Apr 29, 2020
Knee Pain Warm Up
Knee pain and stiffness is extremely common both in the gym during workouts and during sports like running and âš½!

Chris Kelly
Apr 28, 2020
Upper Back Expansion Circuit
How can I teach a back pain client to perform a horizontal push in a front-back stance if they can barley stand?
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